Wednesday, July 25, 2007
A couple made a machine that can create 3D objects out of pure sugar (link). There's a vid of it in action right below the article, and it's pretty cool.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
On the subject of unwanted company:

This is Cat. Say Hi to Cat. Did you know cats can fart? Probably not very surprising, but that question wasn't exactly on the list of life's wonders to contemplate up until Cat decided to get off my keyboard/mouse. I was going to thank her for graciously allowing me to use my computer again, but then I realized she was probably not moving for my sake.
Well, this has been my story. Say goodbye to Cat now.

Not that she particularly cares.
sunday, July 22nd, 2007 8:16pm (taiwan time)
i had the clearest pee i've ever urinated, it was so clear i didnt need to flush. but i did anyway.
i had the clearest pee i've ever urinated, it was so clear i didnt need to flush. but i did anyway.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
My Job is Sweet
I drilled holes in multi-million dollar pieces of machinery today, and I was payed for it. My job rocks. I also had to tap the holes, which was not as cool. Now if the manufacturer ever ships me my part I can hang it on the machine and test it. With any luck I'll get photos and I might be able to put them up here. That would be quasi shady but o well.
-Jason (my job is cooler than yours) Glasser
-Jason (my job is cooler than yours) Glasser
Monday, July 09, 2007
Come visit!
You guys should all come visit me and Jayant here in Connecticut! Stacy is totally doing it, and she is therefore awesome.
(You should ask her for details if you want to tag along with her!)
(You should ask her for details if you want to tag along with her!)
Sunday, July 08, 2007
i found a pretty cool neckless place, they carve writing on both sides of a grain of rice and put it in a colorized oil and seal it in a pretty cool container. and hang it around ur neck.
its $250 nt ($8USD) i will take picture of more containers. i just thought its pretty cool.
you can choose containers, they are glass and have different shapes i.e. tooth, horn, twist, lighting, bottle, heart ect.
you can choose the color. he mixed the colors so you can be pretty specific.
you can choose the writings, one side of the grain can fit 13 letters. there are 2 sides to it.
or you can fit 4 chinese characters.
anyway i will take more pictures next time i go there and maybe you guys can order it from me.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Did you celebrate?
So according to the Mercury News June 29th was "Go the Speed Limit Day."
I don't think I participated in the festivities.
I don't think I participated in the festivities.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Super Powers Here I Come
I left my window open last night and got 3 nasty bug bites on my hand. Am I sad about this? No, I'm ecstatic. See I work in the NUCLEAR medicine department. That means there's all sorts of radioactive material all over my building not to mention x-rays and probably lasers if I'm lucky. I figure there's a decent chance somebody forgot to lock up said radioactive material. Even as I type my ridiculously itchy bugbites are being bombarded with equisite, superpower-inducing, good ol' American radiation. Next time you see me I'll be climbing walls and fighting crime. Either that or I'll have gnawed my hands off from the itchiness. Plus I can never make babies, but that's probably for the best anyhow. Anyway, I'm going to go try and stick to a wall or something, maybe jump off a building to see if webbing shoots out of my arms in an instinctual attempt to save my own life.
-Unknown Itchy Bug Guy (Formerly know as Jason)
-Unknown Itchy Bug Guy (Formerly know as Jason)