Saturday, November 24, 2007

I scream...

So my parents are ordering some Penn State Creamery ice cream this week to be delivered sometime during break. (12/21ish-1/10ish) I want to get an order for us so let me know who wants what / what flavors sound interesting.

Here's their online store:

if that link doesn't work here's the Creamery's website:

Hopefully I'll see you guys in three weeks or so.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

WOW, i forgot about this

Embarrassing, no fear though, i have found this beloved blog again.

Anyway. So I'm applying to grad school now. It's kinda sucky. I took the GRE's and got 10 points lower total than I did on the SAT's which proves to me that college made me dumber. Though I did get a 780 math which is much higher than my SAT score. Trying to get people to write me letters of recommendation.

I've started rock climbing 2-5 times a week which is awesome. I reached a new ranking yesterday (V4 if any of you know what that means). I really like it and it keeps me in shape, though it makes my shoulders hurt pretty much constantly.

Im taking 69 (haha) units next semester which is a lot (7 classes plus a PE class) cus I'm dumb and need that much to graduate on time. Basically I am having as much fun and getting as much done this semester as I can so that I can do nothing but school next semester.

Thats about it for now. I won't be back for turkey day but Ill be back in tofa dec 18 through jan 10.
