Tuesday, February 20, 2007


not seeing much of the interwebs these days because i fried my laptop's lcd by spilling coke on it... which is ironic because i drink coke maybe about once a month. not much news from here except that i went snowboarding in tahoe over the weekend and i'm dying of science classes, as usual. however, you may be interested to know that i talked to jayant on the phone last week, and he had a) just quit polyphasically sleeping the day before that (meaning he lasted for like... what, a month and a half? more?) and b) just gotten back from the hospital about 5 minutes before i called him, after getting stitches for a face injury he acquired after getting drunk at a beer festival. he thought it was incredibly funny and wasn't sure how it happened.

sta"o-chem is backside attacking me"lin

Monday, February 19, 2007

Top Gear: In Alabama


Watch it. It's frickin' hilarious.

Update: a working link-

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snow Day

So apparently 10 inches of snow is enough to make the roads here in State College too slippery for driving. So since there's no classes I'm going to go walk to the dorms and participate in the massive snowball fight that's going on there.

-Alex "has his priorities straight" C.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


wooot! i'm 21!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Settings Changed: Only Members of Blog Can Post

Some spammer posted a comment promoting Firefox. I deleted it, and changed the settings so only members of this blog can post. If you're not a registered to this blog, tell me and I'll add you to the blog.

- Tingyu "I heart spam" Lin

P.S. I concur; don't eat yellow snow.

yellow snow

remember kids, dont eat yellow snow.

this is a public announcement by David Kau.