not seeing much of the interwebs these days because i fried my laptop's lcd by spilling coke on it... which is ironic because i drink coke maybe about once a month. not much news from here except that i went snowboarding in tahoe over the weekend and i'm dying of science classes, as usual. however, you may be interested to know that i talked to jayant on the phone last week, and he had a) just quit polyphasically sleeping the day before that (meaning he lasted for like... what, a month and a half? more?) and b) just gotten back from the hospital about 5 minutes before i called him, after getting stitches for a face injury he acquired after getting drunk at a beer festival. he thought it was incredibly funny and wasn't sure how it happened.
sta"o-chem is backside attacking me"lin
sta"o-chem is backside attacking me"lin