Monday, August 21, 2006

back in dirty, sad LA

so school started today, and i can already tell the semester will suck. i bought $500+ dollars of textbooks, and i still haven't bought two books i need, which are both ~$150 each because i just couldn't handle the pain. LA is dirty, as usual. so our fourth roommate from last year, who moved out in june, was the last one out of the apartment and she didn't clean out the refrigerator before she left, and the power was turned off for 3 months. so, when we got back... it's really indescribable. my roommate, who got back first, opened the non-freezer part of the fridge and immediately shut it because it smelled really, really, really bad--like bad enough to make you gag. so h and i get in thursday and chyan's like 'don't open the fridge'. during the day when the other people are out, h and i decide to start cleaning the fridge out, so we open the bottom part. it smells like hell but we were like, ok, that wasn't as bad as we thought it would be, because it was empty. then we opened the freezer. you could almost SEE the fumes. they were SO GROSS that it just... ugh, like really, really sour plus rotten meat... you kinda had to be there. once we get over the smell we realize that kimanh (the fourth roommate who moved out after we went home for summer) had neglected to throw out a package of bacon, which had sat in a fridge with no electricity for three months. it was dripping, but that wasn't the worst part. the worst part was the fact that all the inside surfaces of the freezer were covered with some sort of larvae and larval cases. IT WAS REALLY, REALLY GROSS. there were HUNDREDS of them, all over the bacon package and the shelves and everything. then it turned out that chyan hadn't even bothered to open the freezer where the horror lurked so none of my roommates really knew how bad it was because h and i cleaned it out before they got home. anyways, yeah.


Blogger chrisracer said...

I'm not super sure if I can be in the same room with you anymore. To be honest, I'm not super comfortable with on-line communication, lest the radioactive super funk in your fridge mutate into a form that can surf one or more of our Internets.

7:54 PM, August 21, 2006  
Blogger Entitled2Octopus said...

You know what this calls for.

Grab a Digital Camera and Link me!

as for the smell, i think i'll pass.

12:48 AM, August 22, 2006  
Blogger Jason said...

hmmm, maybe one of the lavae bit you and the radioactive super funk combined with insect bite will give you super powers. you could be larva girl and h could be maggot boy and you could ooze justice and decompose crime. you could call yourself the justice grubs or something. it would be awesome, though id probably have to stop hanging out with you, nothing personal

1:14 AM, August 22, 2006  
Blogger stalin said...

no pictures, we cleaned it all out :[. LARVAL JUSTICE!

6:39 PM, August 22, 2006  

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