a man walks into a ... what?
so this weekend i tried to go out to a bar (note the tried) not because i particularly wanted to drink, i could visit a vending machine if that were the case, but because i figured it would be a good place to meet some interesting people. so i wander off into downtown and begin searching for a bar. and i search... and i search... and i cant find a decent pub on the main street, or an indecent one for that matter, the indecency comes later. so after finding nothing on the main street i decide to wander off down a side street. as i ambled along i took the time to wave to the man peeing on the wall and figure im probably headed in the right direction. after a brief jaunt i find myself in what looks to be the right part of town. in fact just about everything looks like its a bar. but just to be sure i start trying to read the signs... that was probably a good idea. at first i couldnt figure out why all the bars had such exspensive cover charges or alternativley were completely abandoned. then i noticed the pictures of young ladies wearing `outfits`that really werent appropriate for a youngun like myself to see. slowly... very slowly, it dawned on me that these were not in fact bars, but strip clubs, and perhaps a few brothels judging from the prices. im sure some of them were in fact the bars that i was so futiley searching for, but i decided that i really didnt want to embarass myself and have to explain to some of the rather large bouncers that no i didnt mean to buy that young lady`s company and that yes im sure she`s very interesting and a sparkling conversationalist too, but i`d really just been trying to buy a drink and could i please have my money back. im sure it would have made for an interesting night, but i`ve had my fill of hospitals and i can`t imagine prison being that interesting. in any case after about an hour`s search and a few akward moments i decided to cut my losses, head home, grab some poky and a coke and enjoyed my book for a while. the moral of the story kiddies is, um... i dunno but im sure there is one. alright back to my lack of work, peace out for now.
Moral of the story? Develop a better sense for that kind of stuff. I vaguely remember you in Akihabara asking the question "Why are there women dressed in bikinis in front of that video store handing out flyers?"
Though oddly enough, it took me a while to realize that I read the wrong connotation for "rather large bouncers". I'm going to blame shounen anime for this one.
i think the moral of the story is, to go with jason to japan. he always find a way to some type of "bar" or "store"
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