Wednesday, June 21, 2006

everything is fuzzy

so last night my coworkers and boss threw a welcome party for me and and 4 other interns (all japanese) this party involved okinawan food, revelations on the subejct of dragon ball, and drinking too much. first, okinawan food, its really weird. even the japanese, who eat weird food, think the okinawan`s food is weird. i ate everything, and could identify nothing, when i asked other people what stuff was, they didnt know either. one thing was a really bitter vegetable that the okinawans like. it wasnt half bad except there was nothing to wash the taste out of your mouth except beer which is also bitter. also shochu which taste roughly like what i imagine an alcoholic horse`s piss would taste like. i do not recommend it, its also pretty strong. id been told theyd cut mine with water, but they didnt stir it so i drank half a cup of booze first and then had some nice water to wash it down with. but more about drinking too much with your boss later.

the next item to address is the true meaning of the word saiya-in (how the japanese say sayen) saiya is an anagram for the word yasai which means vegetable and in means person. the truth is all the sayens names were a type of vegetable, except gohan who was half human and thus is named after rice which isnt quite a vegetable. for instance vejita is the king of sayens and thus his name is actually how the japanese pronounce teh word vgetable without the ble (no pun intended {say it out loud if you still dont get it}) also there was vejita`s friend radishu i dont think i need to explain that one. name a sayen and youll name a vegetable, its genius. goku being the exception because thats a human name and his real sayen name is some sort of vegetable, but i forget what it is. maybe all this is way more interesting after a glass of shoyu and a beer, but i though it was awesome.

anyway so after we left the restraunt i assumed we were all going home because it was 10 and we all had work the next day and since i usually get up at 6 i try and be in bed by 10. but no, no we were going to a bar. while there i had another beer to be polite and nursed it for a while. unfortunaltly not quite long enough. when the next round was ordered my boss discovered that i had never had whiskey, and that he was going to remedy this oversight. anyway, a grand malt whiskey was about the last thing i needed at that point and seeing no way to refuse wihtout incident, i slipped rapidly and gracefully into the realm of slightly drunk. i then proceeded to have a in depth discussion with my boss about the meaning of his name "pine bear *growl and clawing motion following*" and the subtle difference in the two japanese words for regretting a past mistake. one apparently implies that you regret but have learned for it, put it behind you and moved forward. the other means that you are constantly haunted by it and never get over it. trying stumbling through that litte nuance discussion while both parties are drunk and butchering the opposing parties language. it involved a lot of diagrams and onamonopea (speaking of butchering languages, im pretty sure i spelled that wrong...) in anycase i woke up in time to be an hour late for work this morning and my headache is finally starting to ease up. i thought i managed to drink enough water last night when i got home (sometime after midnight) to avoid a hangover, but i seem to have misjudged the potency of said whiskey. anyway, this only confirms my belief that drinking on weekdays is a poor decision.



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