Thursday, May 03, 2007

summer internship

this is an update for my summer internship.
work has been not exactly what i've expected. i think i've only done one project where i get to do some designing, the others are all manual work.
on the first day the boss guy asked me to clean out their storage. the door to the storage room is 6 feet tall. i've hit my head on it 2 times now. you think i'd learn the first time..... now theres a big mark on my forehead. then after that i get to use my designing skills to find the perfect proportion on where the lable should be put. and then i get to hold a 2 thousand dollars camera to take reference photo of them.
day two, spending 4 hours fixing up their 2nd office and putting up a sink... from ikea. and then sort recipt.
today is the third day, i learned that if i bring my computer to work i might get to do stuff thats more related to design. maybe..

how are everyone else's summer/school stuff.

-D"miss speaking english"K

p.s. edit* who ever told me there are no more wii in taiwan is totally wrong. glare (irving). i can get atleast 20 in every store.

oh and i moded my wii. (obvious joke. haha...)


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