Monday, July 24, 2006

an interesting conversation i had with a bum

the following is what i wrote down after talking to a bum at a street festival, it may not be exactly how it went down but its how i remember it so it should be pretty close, my thoughts are in brackets and actions are **'ed.

Bum: "mumblemumble eyes mumblemumble read mumble able to mumble."
me: "yes" (what the hell did he just say to me and why is a bum talking to me?)
Bum: *incoherent mumbling*
me: "yes" *nod head, this is repeated several times for about a minute*
Bum: mumblemumble?
me: (crap. that was a question) "I dont understand, sorry, my japanese is only ok"
Bum: "mumblemumble I am japanese but mumble" *points to eyes*
me: "I am American"
Bum: "mumblemumble"
me: "yes" *nods my head several times*
Bum: "you see him?" *points to another bum* "hes an idiot." *i laugh* "yes, yes idiot, yes, idiot" *bum laughs kinda crazy like* "mumble mumble"
me: (man this bum smells really bad, there are lots of people around so hes prob not going to attack me but damn he stinks, im gonna go) "otsukaresama" ***
Bum *blank look, pulls booze from unknown location and slips deeper into the realms of drunk*

***note: i dont know what otsukaresama means, so far ive had people say it to me when i would say such things as "hello", "goodbye" , "toast", "thankyou", "please", and "youre welcome" so i just whore it out whenever i wanna be polite and no one seems to mind, very convenient***

anyway i thought that was amusing. i have another convo written down from another festival, ill post that later so that its not a huge post. anyway im going to kyoto this weekend so hopefully ill have a cool story when i get back on mon.

-Jason (i dont have any cool knicknames but feel vaguely compelled to jump on the band wagon to feel like one of the cool kids) glasser


Blogger David Kau said...

you can be Pun, Bad Pun.


3:48 PM, July 25, 2006  
Blogger chrisracer said...

that comment makes no sense. i demand you make a new post in coherent english.


5:30 PM, July 25, 2006  
Blogger David Kau said...

for your nick name! you can be pun, bad pun (insert 007 music).


8:37 PM, July 25, 2006  
Blogger Entitled2Octopus said...

I've been told in Japanese class (if anything is to be believed there) that "otsukaresama" is a term used when a co-worker is leaving. Comes from tsukareru (to become tired), and the assumption is that it means you're acknowledging that they're tired from working all day and so you use it as a method of goodbye to the co-worker. Or I could be completely wrong, since I did drop out of Japanese.

Anyways, I demand more conversations with bums.

-Tingyu "My middle name is Thomas" Lin

12:50 AM, July 26, 2006  

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