Sunday, July 02, 2006

boredom leads to weird thoughts

i thought id give a brief account of some of the things that cross my mind while i stare at my computer screen twiddling my pen trying to look busy when i havent been given any work.

i wonder what i would look like with a shaved head. i wonder what chris (yang) would like with a shaved head. maybe i should shave chris`s head when hes not looking. wait hes in boston and im in japan, damn, some other time. if i shaved david`s (kau) head and called him buddha would people worship him? was that thought rascist? i should go find mr. clark and kick his ass for calling me a rascist in 6th grade, what a dick. i wonder why so many of my friends have the same name. whats up with that? 4 chriss (yang, yap, wang, chang) 2 davids (kau, zhang) 3 michaels (lin, lin, germeraad). thats weird. why is weird spelled with an e before the i, that is weird too. damn i really want a steak, or a burrito, i freakin love burittos.

yeah that was just a small portion of my thoughts. i wonder if putting down in writing that i was considering kicking mr clarks ass on the internet was bad. well just as a disclaimer, mr clark i mean you no ill will, you are a dick for calling me a rascist in 6th grade when i said i could not tell the differecne between a chinese person, a korean person, and a japanese person just by looking at them. i would also venture to say that i could not determine if a person was british, german, or american just by looking at them so stick that up your pompous ass. for the rest of you, yeah i really dont like mr clark. anyway. back to my deep thoughts. and mcsweeneys internet tendency which as chris claimed is indeed hilarious. hmmm i wonder why im so long winded, i prob just like to hear my own... type? o well. as they say in the city of Dis, peace out.



Blogger David Kau said...

to continue your mr. clark bashing. if it makes u feel any better mr.clark had an affair with ms. ruby and ended up splitting up with mrs. clark. after that mr.clark and ms. ruby both got fired. now mr.clark is jobless and i saw him recently picking up his kids from swimming lessons from saratoga high.


i know this because when i was in 8th grade i had to pass their love notes to eachother. can u say awakward?

4:54 AM, July 03, 2006  
Blogger David Kau said...

on a sidenote, i also blame both of them for screwing up my english. mr.clark was my esl teacher and ms.ruby was my english teacher. and both of them made me spend almost all my time passing notes. so yeah i am not fond of mr.clark at all. and if he is reading this... too bad.

sorry for double posting. hearing his name just pissed me off, that and its like 5 in the morning and i have an essay due in 3 hours and 375 miles away. if u see superman can u tell him to reverse time?

4:58 AM, July 03, 2006  

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